Gold producer Regis Resources is ecstatic over total group gold production for the June quarter 2022, which increased 20 per cent to set a quarterly record of 123.9 kilo ounces.
There were increases at both Western Australian assets: gold production at Duketon increased 24 per cent to 92.8koz, and the Tropicana joint venture lifted 10 per cent to 31.1koz.
The overall annual gold production of 437koz is consistent with FY22 production guidance of 420–475koz and is an increase of 17 per cent on FY21 annual production.
Regis Resources managing director, Jim Beyer, said general industry inflationary pressures had continued across the operations and preliminary indications point to a full year AISC slightly above the top end of FY22 cost guidance ($1425–$1,500/oz). Confirmation of the final outcome will be provided in the June Quarter Report released later this month.
“We have seen reliable delivery on our improvement plans that were developed and implemented to address the operational challenges we experienced in the first half of the year,” he said.
“This has seen the company deliver an improved performance despite the challenging external conditions.
“The result is a record production performance for the quarter and overall annual gold production that sits comfortably within FY22 production guidance. The company is now well set for increased annual gold production into FY23.”