BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) has set more than 120 careers in the resources industry in motion through their largest ever apprenticeship intake.
BMA’s recruitment campaign called for 67 traineeships, while 60 apprentices took part in a Work Readiness program at CQUniversity’s Emerald TAFE in Queensland before being sent to their respective fields.
The apprenticeship fields include resource processing, surface extraction, laboratory skills, business administration, mine scheduling and warehousing.
BMA Blackwater mine maintenance manager Nathan Deguara showed his excitement in welcoming the latest brigade of miners.
“It was fantastic to see our biggest intake of apprentices to date, and what’s even more exciting is another 67 individuals will have the opportunity to join BMA as trainees within the next few months,” he said.
“I was especially proud to meet the eight apprentices who are joining our team, and excited to learn that 25 of the future trainees are destined for Blackwater mine too.”
Local miner and BMA apprenticeship alumni Zoe Hodkin praised the effectiveness of the program.
“It was a lightbulb moment for me when I realised that I really love this industry and that completing this apprenticeship is an opportunity of a lifetime,” Hodkin said.
“Of course, you do have doubts, where you think ‘I don’t know if I can do this’ – but then you have to give it 100% and just go for it.”
Last year’s February intake saw 56 Queensland apprentices undertake a similar training program.