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Red 5’s King of the Hills (KOTH) gold mine has delivered a third consecutive month of record gold production.

Red 5 wholly owns the KOTH gold mine, which is located 28 kilometres north of the town of Leonora and 80 kilometres south of its Darlot Satellite gold mine in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.

The KOTH gold mine produced 19,039 ounces of gold from 0.35 megatons (Mt) of ore processed at an average head grade of 1.80 grams per tonne (g/t) in May 2023.

This is a notable increase from April’s recorded 18,633 ounces from 0.40Mt of ore processed at an average head grade of 1.54g/t, as well as March’s recorded 17,550 ounces from 0.40Mt of ore processed at an average head grade of 1.49g/t.

The KOTH gold mine completed already planned mill and crusher maintenance shutdowns in the month of May, which were successful and resulted in four days of zero mill production.

Work that was undertaken included replacing the crusher’s mantle and concave liners, replacing the mill’s original discharge grates with nine times larger grates and replacing and bolstering heavy wear areas.

The open pit and underground mines continued to perform well during the month, with run-of-mine stockpiles containing an estimated 560 kilotons of ore grading an estimated 1.2 g/t at the end of the month.

The second half of the 2023 financial year’s (2H FY2023) production guidance is maintained at between 90,000 and 105,000 ounces at an all-in sustaining costs (AISC) of between $1750 and $1950 per ounce.