Romania’s coal production amounted to 172,100 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), in January 2025, showing an increase of 3.9% (plus 6,400 toe) compared to the same period last year, according to data centralized by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
Coal imports accounted for 2,400 toe, in the reference period, down by 4,300 toe (minus 64.2%) compared to January 2024.
The dynamics of coal production, as well as imports, is expected to decrease until 2027, as other energy production capacities are put into operation, and will decrease by 11.4% and 24.5%, respectively, according to estimates in the latest Energy Balance Forecast, published by the National Commission for Strategy and Forecasting (CNSP).
Thus, according to the CNSP, coal production is estimated for 2025 at 1.718 million toe (minus 10.5%), in 2026 at 1.555 million toe (minus 9.5%) and in 2027 at 1.432 million toe (minus 7.9%).
Imports are expected to decrease in 2025 by 20.5% – to 164,000 toe, in 2026 by 26.3% – to 121,000 toe, and in 2027 by 34.4% – to 79,000 toe.