Rockwell Automation has unveiled its PlantPAx 5.0 distributed control system (DCS) to enhance the lifecycle of plant operations through digitisation.
This is the latest DCS from RockWell Automation and is capable of digitally transforming an operation by using process functionality that is native to the controller, improving the availability of system assets driving compliance and the utilisation of analytics.
Rockwell Automation is confident this can improve plant operation lifecycles by using plant-wide and scalable systems that are associated with digital transformation.
“We’re excited to bring PlantPAx DCS 5.0 to our customers,” Rockwell Auotmation global process director Jim Winter said.
“New system features are step changes in helping our customers lower the overall costs to design and commission. The functionality improves the overall effort to integrate the process control layer to the enterprise.
“By reducing the lifecycle cost of the system and lowering operational risks, we are continuing to find innovative ways to bring more value to end users.”
It is expected that overall costs associated with a plant lifecycle will be reduced by adopting PlantPAx 5.0.
Areas that the new DCS improves are footprint reduction; project consistency to develop control strategies that are applicable to other projects; enhanced user experiences for streamlined workflows; high standards of cybersecurity and frameworks to transfer data from the DCS to analytical tools.
Based in the Wisconsin, the United States, Rockwell Automation’s 23,000 employees assist customers in over 100 countries.