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Creating a potash haulage operation

Creating a potash haulage operation

Agrimin can now export future sulphate of potash (SOP) products through the Wyndham Port following the Western Australian and Federal Governments granting it first point of entry last week. The first point of entry will allow international vessels and goods to enter...
Unlocking a historic Victorian gold mine

Unlocking a historic Victorian gold mine

Kaiser Reef has seen significant progress in its diamond drilling program at the A1 gold mine in Victoria, uncovering high-grade gold results from the Nova zone. The findings mark a major step forward for Kaiser Reef and the historic mine, which is transitioning from...
BHP Potash Academy welcomes first cohort

BHP Potash Academy welcomes first cohort

BHP and Carlton Trail College showed off its first cohort of trainees as part of the new BHP Potash Academy. Thirteen trainees undertook an on-site orientation at the Jansen potash mine site in Canada this week and will be commencing classes at the BHP Potash Academy,...