If you have to move loose material such as sand, mud and silt, you can safely leave the shovel behind: A Tsurumi pump with a jetting collar takes over the job.
The Germany-based manufacturer now offers this optional accessory. A dewatering pump equipped with it “liquefies” the sediment so that it can be pumped. No manual intervention is required, not even supervision.
For this purpose, the jetting collar is mounted at the bottom of the pump. It functions as a ring pipe from which water is forced into the immediate suction area of the pump. Whether the material is dry or thickened: if it is mixed with sufficient water, a flowable mixture is created. With a pump like the KRS2, even mixtures with grain sizes up to 30 mm can be moved without resistance. Tsurumi has designed this unit for the toughest applications. It moves up to 4.300 litres of mixture per minute.
The process prevents clogging of the pump, which cannot be ruled out in borderline operating conditions. Deposits at the intake opening are practically impossible. This also reduces the risk of overloading the pump electrically and thermally. Wear and tear, and thus the risk of mechanical failure, is also significantly lower with abrasive media.
Operation in basins works best, as excess flushing water is retained. A predestined area of application is therefore sedimentation basins, sewage treatment plants and large tanks. If no pure water is available for flushing, industrial water can also be used. It is supplied by a second pump or by connection to a water pipe. According to Tsurumi, users only need a few minutes of installation time with standard tools.