Hexagon’s technology provides accurate blast information that’s used to recover more of a mine’s resources.
Hexagon has revealed its HxGN MineMeasure, a new innovation to further improve the drill and blast process with the potential to sustain mineral resources.
The HxGN MineMeasure combines blast design software, high-precision drilling, blast-movement monitoring, fragmentation analysis and enterprise analytics to assist mining operations to maximise their ore recovery.
Hexagon president and chief executive officer Ola Rollén said this is the most important consideration for HxGN MineMeasure.
“Improving ore recovery by even just 1 per cent can mean millions of dollars for a mine,” he said.
“Not only does MineMeasure address the small, compounding errors that lead to costly consequences throughout the notoriously complex drill and blast cycle, but also it addresses sustainability of precious resources – as ore grades decline everywhere, mines are digging more earth for less ore.”
MineMeasure’s mine planning software creates blast designs by incorporating geology properties from the block model, the simplified representation of an ore body.
The machine-guided drills then execute the blast plan while integrated blast-movement sensors and software technology accurately tracks the blast to minimise loss and dilution.
Advanced image-analysis techniques ensure fragmentation is managed and optimised.
Approaching the MineMeasure technology holistically, Hexagon has produced something that delivers scrutiny and transparency in every step of the ore extraction journey.
MineMeasure maximises safety, incorporating a vibration monitoring system and slope stability analysis.
Allowing teams greater insight into their drill and blast processes ensures operations can create their own opportunities to improve ore recovery and strategise future projects.
The reveal comes as Hexagon showcases its latest sensors, software and autonomous solutions at MINExpo 2021.
Hexagon is presenting the technology behind its smart device ecosystem and will introduce new innovations for autonomous fleet management.
The company is also presenting tech talks spanning topics such as planning and operations to monitoring, processing and autonomy.