FLSmidth has received an order from Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) to design and supply the main process equipment across the flowsheet for a lead-zinc concentrator plant.
FLSmidth will deliver all the key process equipment for a newly modernised beneficiation plant that will replace the previous facility. The equipment includes rod-ball mills, flotation cells, thickeners, hydro cyclones, pumps, Pneumapress filters, slurry samplers, process control valves/instruments and tagged electricals.
Digital and automation solutions such as an online slurry analyser, advanced process control and automation, as well as the PlantVision™ tool will be provided as part of the package. PlantVision is a real-time image analysis solution that provides critical measurements for ore on conveyor belts or froth properties in flotation cells. The plant performance is backed by a bench scale test conducted at the FLSmidth Minerals Testing & Research Center, Salt Lake City.
“This order is great news for FLSmidth’s mining business and shows the confidence Hindustan Zinc has in our products based on the performance of our dry tailings/paste fill solutions at other HZL facilities,” comments Mikko Keto, President of Mining at FLSmidth. “We are also excited to supply the first flotation cells with nextSTEP™ rotor/stator in this region and to be providing digital and automation solutions, which include an advanced automation control for the lead-zinc concentrator. Digital is a crucial tool for process optimisation as it allows for greater efficiency in resource use, better throughput and an improvement in sustainable productivity.”
A global mining leader, Hindustan Zinc is at the forefront of technological advancement making timely investments in digitalisation and process automation. Hindustan Zinc’s commitment to more sustainable and responsible operations and their inherent culture of innovation makes them a good fit for FLSmidth’s MissionZero ambitions.
FLSmidth will complete the delivery of the equipment and plant commissioning before the end of 2022, when the plant will be ready to process the first feed.