AOG Energy has decided to cancel its 2022 conference due to obstacles presented by international travel and domestic COVID-19 restrictions.
AOG has been recognised as the premier Australasian oil, gas and energy event, bringing together the entire supply chain from across Australia and the globe.
The organisation recently surveyed its audience, speaking to key exhibitors and consulted with industry committees on their objectives for AOG Energy 2022.
The results demonstrated that while there is an appetite for local connection, it is abundantly clear that there is a stronger desire for this to happen at the large global scale the industry is accustomed to.
AOG outlined its desire to delivering the event annually, but conceded that 2022 will continue to present its challenges in connecting the market at scale.
“We want to do the best by you and reunite the industry at the right time, therefore have made the difficult decision to cancel AOG Energy for 2022,” AOG stated.
“We look forward to bringing the industry back for a true celebration of what the Australasian oil, gas and energy market has to offer and to continue to innovate towards a clean energy future.”
The next edition will next take place on March 15-17 2023 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
“Although this is a decision we have not made lightly, we are humbled by the support we have received from our exhibitors, partners, sponsors, speakers, suppliers and the general community,” AOG stated.
“We will continue to talk to the market and look for bespoke networking opportunities to potentially reconnect later in 2022 (stay tuned!).”