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Perenti and its newly formed technology-driven service offering, idoba, have joined the Australian Remote Operations for Space and Earth (AROSE) consortium in a bid to strengthen its global mining services.

AROSE is bringing a number of sectors together with the Australian space sector to collaborate on developing, promoting and providing remote operations expertise and services.

Perenti managing director and chief executive officer Mark Norwell said innovation and technology are playing a much greater role in the resources sector.

“We formed idoba to provide our global clients with digital products and technology service offerings that would respond to their ever-changing needs today and into the future,” he said.

“By working with AROSE and our fellow consortium members we can leverage our nation’s world-leading remote operations expertise and capabilities to strengthen our global mining services, as well as harnessing the future-thinking of idoba to help grow our nation’s space industry”.

Chief executive officer of idoba Sarah Coleman said joining AROSE presented a unique opportunity to combine capabilities across industries in remote operations.

“Through combining our experience and expertise in remote operations, particularly that of Sandpit Innovation, with the growing membership of AROSE, we will further strengthen our mission of co-creating a better future for the mining industry and beyond,” she said.

In July 2020, Perenti acquired Sandpit Innovation and Improvement Resources, while Optika Solutions was acquired in April 2021.

The Australian Government is aiming to triple the size of the nation’s space sector by 2030 with an additional $12 billion to the economy and up to 20,000 new jobs.

Perenti and idoba are now part of AROSE’s mission to utilise Australian remote operation’s capability and expertise to help achieve those goals.

AROSE chief executive officer Leanne Cunnold said the consortium was delighted to have Perenti onboard.

“Perenti’s mining expertise and capabilities can be leveraged in the development of space projects that in turn will produce better results here on earth for industry,” Cunnold said.

“Australia’s remote operations capability and expertise is world-leading, which NASA has recognised by enlisting Australia to build a lunar rover as part of its mission to return to the moon.

“The knowledge that our members have will help with Australia’s mission to the stars as well as help industry operate more safely, sustainably and productively.”