The new building will be constructed with an investment of approximately 3.5 billion yen to create a “one-stop service” for precious metal recycling and further expand business in Taiwan. It is planned to have eight floors above ground and one basement floor, making the total floor area of the Hukou Plant approximately six times larger after completion. The plant is scheduled to begin operation in the first half of 2025.
TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo expects to expand its recycling business in Taiwan by 2026 to provide a stable supply of precious metal materials and contribute to Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, which has a large share of the entire semiconductor market.
Taiwan TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo has been engaged in the precious metal recovery and refining business in Taiwan since the establishment of the Hukou Plant in 2005. TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo has decided to further expand its precious metal recycling business because of the increase in demand for semiconductors in recent years and the growing worldwide trend toward reducing environmental impact and increased need for sustainable materials and products.
Currently, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo is expanding its precious metal recovery and refining business by working in cooperation with local companies and conducting processing work outside of Taiwan. With the establishment of the new building, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo aims to conduct business solely in Taiwan. In addition, precious metals such as precious metal plating waste liquid, production scraps, and used catalysts for automobiles and petrochemicals can be recycled with a high recovery rate, refined to high purity, and recovered as products that customers desire. By completing all processes in Taiwan, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo believes that it can contribute to the reduction of import and export processes.
An important part of recycling precious metals is the ability to analyze the amount of precious metals contained in the materials that are recycled. TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo has advanced precious metal analytical techniques* cultivated through many years of research and development, allowing products collected from customers to be evaluated accurately.
*As one measure of our assaying capabilities, TANAKA Precious Metals is one of only five companies worldwide, and the only company in Asia, to be accredited as a Good Delivery Referee by both the LBMA and LPPM, the most authoritative market-monitoring organizations worldwide. TANAKA Precious Metals is also the first company in Japan to acquire ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for our platinum, gold, silver, and palladium assay competence.
By expanding its recycling business through the “one-stop service” of precious metal recovery and refining in Taiwan, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo will contribute toward the creation of a society that prioritizes recycling which is called for worldwide.