Dust suppression specialist Global Road Technology (GRT) is applauding the Queensland government’s recent move to protect workers from crystalline silica dust exposure with its Australian first new Code of Practice relating to eliminating or minimising exposure to crystalline silica dust.
Approved by Industrial Relations Minister, the managing respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in construction and manufacturing of construction elements Code of Practice 2022 will commence in Queensland on 1 May 2023.
It will apply to construction work as well as the manufacture of materials such as bricks, blocks, tiles, mortar and concrete with a key focus on dust control methods that prevent silica dust from being generated or being released into the air, including water suppression and on-tool dust extraction.
“Global Road Technology applauds the move by the Queensland government to tighten dust control practices at construction sites across the state as it aligns with our entire philosophy as a business to eliminate the spread of particulate pollution,” GRT chief executive officer Troy Adams said.
“This Code of Practice aligns with our core focus as a business that sees us concentrate on implementing ‘whole-of-site’ dust mitigation controls designed to stop the spread of crystalline silica particles at their source and reinforces our focus on providing protection through tighter onsite controls and monitoring.
“Our clients comprise companies across the resource and construction sector where workers are exposed to dust pollution on a daily basis due to onsite conditions and we welcome the opportunity to apply these world-leading practices for our partners in Australia and internationally.”
GRT’s innovative product suite of dust suppression non-toxic chemical applications twinned with its engineered dosing and application techniques has seen it emerge as a national leader in the development of infrastructure and process solutions for Australian industry.
It is recognised nationally as an industry leader in dust control strategies, particularly in the mining, agricultural, and construction sectors. Its range of innovative products and techniques is designed to reduce the dust pollution generated by onsite industrial activity like drilling and stop it from spreading across the site and into local communities.
This approach is driven by its offering solutions at the apex of the hierarchy of control meaning that its products and techniques are designed to mitigate dust at its source to ensure that only minimal amounts of particulates reach workers – to the point where protective clothing and masks can safely deal with the remaining trace particles.
Its ACTIVATE product range is designed to work in tandem to reduce the spread of particulate pollutants with GRT: 12X targeting the dust generated by exploration drilling and using the drills themselves to stop the fine dust caused by drilling by saturating it.
According to Adams, this new Code of Practice in some ways acts as validation for the significant investment that the company has made over the past decade in research and development into dust suppression technologies.
“When we started as a company there was only a fraction of the current awareness that we have about the dangers of particulate pollution caused by elements like respirable crystalline silica dust to workers and communities,” Adams said.
“Whether it is mining workers exposed to these pollutants while cutting through rock or employees engaged on a construction site who are breathing in these materials every day due to their roles on building sites we now have a better understanding of how dangerous and life-threatening these particles are and are now playing catch-up from both a legislative and suppression sense.
“Our advantage as a business is that we’ve been at the cutting edge of applying ‘whole of site’ dust mitigation strategies for 10 years now and have the products and services that can literally stop dust at its source to protect the health and safety of workers and their communities alike.”