The federal government has called for input on the barriers to participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
The independent Pathway to Diversity in STEM review has launched its consultation on barriers to participation in STEM, as part of the government’s commitment to boost diversity and increase the participation of women and historically under-represented groups in STEM.
“We want to call up skills from all corners of our community and put them to work growing our economy. This review is part of that effort,” Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic said.
As part of the review, the independent expert panel has worked with the Department of Industry, Science and Resources on a ‘dialogue starter’ paper. The paper poses questions to encourage Australians to think about what it means to study and work in STEM.
The panel is inviting contributions from a broad range of participants in STEM, from scientists to students, mechanics to park rangers.
“This review will provide us with the evidence, insight and recommendations to make sure the policies and programmes we deliver as government are having maximum impact,” Husic said.
“Improving diversity and inclusion in our STEM workforce will increase the range of views and ideas that Australia needs to unlock our full potential.”
Submissions in response to the dialogue starter are encouraged by April 11. The independent panel will also consider an evaluation of the government’s women in STEM programmes and research led by the Women in STEM Ambassador.
The panel will publish its draft recommendations in July.