The Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF) has continued to progress with the rehabilitation and monitoring of abandoned mines, with levies totalling $42.8 million reported for 2022–23.
The most significant progression in the abandoned mines program was at the Donnybrook Shafts, an area in WA that was mined for gold from 1897–1903.
Rehabilitation of the land has now been completed, and the MRF have moved on to monitoring the site.
“In collaboration with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, we completed several key actions to reduce community and environmental risks associated with the Donnybrook Shafts project area,” the WA Department of Mines said in a statement.
“Rehabilitation works were successfully completed by a local Indigenous business and the site continues to be monitored.”
A total of five sites are in the active rehabilitation stage, including the Ellendale diamond mine in WA. At Ellendale, a stage one earthworks contract is underway, with deconstruction and clean up programs completed.
“Major progress was made on the Ellendale project,” the WA Department of Mines said. “The first phase of significant safety works is now complete with the removal and clean-up of all redundant and obsolete infrastructure and equipment across the former diamond mining lease.
“Notable achievements include zero recordable injuries or incidents, as well as the removal of all waste materials (7184 tonnes) to off-site licensed disposal facilities. 55 per cent of those materials were recycled.”
During the year, the MRF team reviewed 1665 tenements, with 203 tenements found to require amendments. As of June 30, the net balance of funds stood at $291.2 million, including $3.1 million in net interest.