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As Telstra’s 3G network shutdown approaches on the 30th of June, mining companies must take urgent steps to ensure their vehicles are equipped with technology that is compatible with 4G networks. Failure to transition before the shutdown could lead to unsafe working conditions, compliance violations and costly setbacks.

Here’s how your mining company can navigate the transition successfully:

Understanding the 3G sunset

The impending shutdown of 3G networks, known as the “3G Sunset”, marks a pivotal moment in Australia’s ongoing transition to 4G technology. This shift promises improved connectivity and expanded service capabilities.

What does this mean for the mining industry?

For mining fleets relying on 3G-based telematics and safety management systems (SMS), the closure of 3G networks means existing hardware will no longer be able to connect to the network post-shutdown. This loss of connectivity will hinder crucial telematic functions such as data recording, driver performance monitoring and vehicle tracking. To maintain the safety of workers and the efficiency of operations, upgrading to compatible 4G technology is imperative.

The benefits of upgrading

With faster and more reliable connections, mining companies can consolidate their vehicle safety solutions into a single comprehensive system. Adopting a holistic solution not only promotes workforce safety, preventing incidents before they happen but also saves operational costs and enhances scalability. 

Timing is key

The decommissioning of 3G towers has already commenced, meaning your mining operations may already be experiencing the effects of it. The pressure to prepare fleets for the 3G closure also means installer shortages could create additional challenges.

Don’t wait until it’s too late, secure a spot with Optix and our dedicated installation team can ensure timely installations and provide a tailored safety management solution, keeping workers safe, on and off site.

 How do you start preparing?

  1. Connect with Optix today.

Contact us and schedule a consultation now.

Upgrading your telematics is an important task where factors such as total solution requirements, installation time estimates and training plans for your workers need consideration.

  1. Secure your installation spot

After your consultation, book your installation slot, avoiding delays.

  1. Embrace 4G and advanced telematics and safety management system.

Seamlessly integrate a holistic telematics and safety management system that enhances the safety of your mining operations and accommodates future growth.

In a workforce where people are exposed to risks every day, safety teams in mining companies must take proactive steps to ensure a smooth transition to 4G technology. By leveraging our expertise and commitment to improving mine and road safety, you can navigate the 3G shutdown with confidence.

Contact Optix to safeguard your operations and embrace the opportunities offered by newer holistic technology.