Considered the workhorse of the mine site, Stanmore Resources needed eight of their 793F trucks rebuilt. In 2023 our Mackay business centre completed all eight rebuilds with custom scopes. The team developed a scope and tailored package that suited Stanmore Resource’s requirements at site. This included an individual scope for each truck to ensure the highest quality of work. All trucks were up to their 24 000 hour mark meaning they required deep level maintenance and did not all have the same requirements.
The teams goal for the project was to achieve reliability for the customer. Ensuring that the project was on time, on budget and of high quality. Ryan Shortis – Senior Reliability Engineer at Stanmore Resources – Poitrel Mine said “Reliability brings availability, which is what is required by the business [Stanmore Resources] for these machines.”
Hastings Deering has the ability to offer a tailored solution from individual component replacements through to our full machine certified rebuilds, offering a 24 month, 10 000 hour warranty.
Why rebuild?
The result of a Cat Certified Rebuild is equipment that performs like new, at a fraction of the cost. Once rebuilt you’ll also receive warranty on the replaced Cat parts.